■ this kind inkjet water slide decal paper need spray vanish
■ this inkjet water slide decal paper is clear background
■ clear background water slide decal paper is suitable for crystal, shisha,sopol,white or light objects,and it can reveal the object's own background and shading.
■ Eslatma:inkjet water transfer paper is sensitive to the ambient temperature!
qishda, to use inkjet water transfer paper that the ambient temperature can not be too low, It is best to use in air-conditioned room, the use of ambient temperature not lower than 18 degrees Celsius.-This is important!
To'g'ridan-to'g'ri qog'ozni suvli slayd dekaltr qog'oziga inkjet printer bilan bosib chiqaring,va Hidrosolü qatlam avtomatik ravishda suvga qachon suv uzatish Decal qog'oz eritadi,pigment va uzatish qog'oz ajratish grafika uzatishni erishish uchun, shunday qilib,.
qog'oz hajmi:A4 hajmi(210*297mm)
qog'oz turi:aniq / shaffof fon rangi
mos printer:Epson,HP,Canon,Lexmark va barcha struyli ulamolar
mos siyoh:maxsus siyoh kerak emas,Suv asoslangan bo'yoq siyoh / pigment siyoh (oddiy siyoh)
qog'oz material:suv uzatish Decal qog'oz.
qog'oz paketi:20To'plamga boshiga dona
Suitable material:sopol,metall,o'tin,plastik,bamboo,crystal,shisha,stone,shells,shamlar,va boshqalar.
1.Foto parametrlarga muvofiq suratni bosmadan chiqaring, Ko'zgularni tomoni bosish yuzasi.
2.tabiat tomonidan yoki sochlarini fen tomonidan Murakkab quriting.
3.gloss moy chiqish (bo'yoq do'konida sotiladigan shaffof Avtomatik Bo'yoq bo'yoq) namuna yuzasida bir xil.
4.tabiat tomonidan yoki sochlarini fen bilan nashrida neft Quruq.
5.atrof tomonidan birga uni kesib 1 naqsh dan mm.
6.haqida suv uni ho'llash 30-60 soniya, va keyin tabiatan etarlicha qoplama va qog'oz suring.
7.Spread the base paper slowly to make the transfer printing coating sticker to the product surface.
8.Alabaster qog'oz nam va yumshoq, etarlicha film qabariq va suv dischange, changni yutish qog'ozga va keyin quruq sirt.
9.Bake it in the oven for 10-15 minutes at the temperature of 100-110,or dry it by nature for 1-3days