Best Water & Sublimation Transfer Paper Manufacturer
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Часовыя татуіроўкі паперы

» Часовыя татуіроўкі паперы

  • Blank Water Transfer A4 Inkjet Temporary Tattoo Paper

    Часовыя татуіроўкі паперы

    ■ DIY temporary tattoo stickers
    ■ Easy to apply, no harmful to skin
    ■ Competitive prices for large quantity prices
    ■ Technology:water transfer printing

    • спецыфікацыі
    імя:струйная часовая татуіроўка папера
    Mateiral:white water transfer paper,yellow SkinArt paper and clear film with adhesive glue
    Suitable Ink:dye ink,пігментныя чарніла
    Suitable Printer:all kinds of inkjet printers
    Weight:170GSM(paper)+255GSM(glue film)
    Quantity:generally 5 /10 /20 /50 /100 sets per pack
    (1 set includes 1pc water transfer paper and 1pc yellow adhesive SkinArt paper)
    Applicable Size:A3/A4/A5
    Place of Origin:Japan
    Lasting Time:3~7 days temporary tattoos
    бяспекі:non-toxic—it uses imported medical grade breathable tattoo skin glue

    How to print and use the temporary tattoo paper: doesn’t need no special ink,and dye/pigment ink can print it out
    2.put the water transfer paper into the printer and set it the mirror-print
    3.after printing,use the hair dryer to blow it for 1 minute unitl completely dry the tattoo glue surface onto the printing surface(printing surface upwards and tattoo glue surface downwards)
    5.cut the size
    6.wipe the skin,tear the tattoo glue(белы) and stick to the skin,and press the sticker around lightly
    7.wipe the tattoo sticker back with a damp cloth for 15-30 seconds before tearing
    8.wipe the water with a dry cloth

    Precautions when use:

    1.after printing the color pattern,it needs the ink dry before next step(dry naturally 5~10 min,and tot air dry 1 min)
    2.transfer print after clean the skin by clear water can use the scoth tape to clean the tattoo pattern
    4.when bathing, be careful not to scratch it vigorously
    5.if there is any abnormality on the skin, stop using it
    6.keep away tattoo paper from heat and wet
    7.keep out of reach of Children

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    3 + 7 = ?

    Можа быць, вы хацелі б таксама

  • Вада Slide Декаль паперы

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