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Indflydelse Faktorer af Water Transfer Decal Papir Kvalitet

marts 14, 2018

water transfer decal paper production

Vand overførsel trykning technoloy er en ny trykmetode efter litografi udskrivning, dybtryk,serigrafi og termisk printing.It er resultatet af en kombination af traditionel dybtryk og vandtryk teknologioverførsel. Traditionel printteknologi kan kun gøre grafisk print og ikke kan gøre tre-dimensionelle printing.But vand overførsel kan gøre både grafisk print og tredimensionelle printing.Many genstande kan udskrives ved vand overførsel,såsom telefon tilfælde, hjelme,keramik,legetøj,krus,glas,træ,cykel,golfklubber,stearinlys,skum produkter, husholdningsapparater,midlertidig tatovering,etc.

De vigtigste anvendelser af vandrutschebane decal papir udskriver alle former for keramiske overføringsbilleder og glas decals,såsom vand overførsel decals til keramisk porcelæn,vand overførsel decals til keramiske sanitære håndvask,waterslide decals for tiles,etc.It omfatter on-glasur keramiske decals,under-glaze ceramic decals and in-glaze ceramic decals.The vand overførsel overføringsbilleder til keramik are mainly used for domestic ceramics,sanitetsprodukter i badeværelset og opbygge dekorative keramik.
Vand transfer glas decals bruges til at udskrive glasflaske,kopper og fremme kop,etc.And vand overførsel decals kan anvendes på tennisketsjer,cykel,fiskestænger og fiskeredskaber.

Vandrutschebane Dekalpapir kaldes også waterslide transfer decal paper.Det er sammensat af basispapir og overfladen coating.Because af kravene til styrke og glathed,basispapiret er hovedsageligt lavet af ren træmasse fiber.
Og overfladebelægningen er vandopløselig polymer,which is called water-soluble glue.This glue is composited with water-soluble polymer and some additives.So the quality of water transfer decal paper depends on the base paper and the water-soluble glue.Below are some factors influencing the quality of water transfer decal paper.

1.The base paper sizing value
The application principle of waterslide transfer decal paper is to print the pattern and character onto water transfer base paper,and film forming;Soak the printed pattern into water,the pattern seperates from the base paper;Stick the pattern onto the objects and finished. Når brug,it needs the pattern can seperate from the base paper successfully within 60 seconds.Because the pattern layer won’t seepage,the water can only enter from the paper back side.It requires not sizing on the paper back,and the water absorption of positive side is within 60g/㎡(Cobb 60s).

2.The Uniformity of the base paper fibrous tissue
When use waterslide decal paper,it needs the seperation of the pattern from base paper.So the key of seperation is the water-soluble layer.The thickness and volume of water-soluble layer must be even.And if the base paper fibrous tissue is not uniform,it will lead to the coating amount of water-soluble layer is uneven.It requires the thickness change of base paper firbrous tissue should be within ±3%.

3.The smoothness and stiffness of base paper
Because most waterslide transfer decal paper will be cut to sheet format and be printed with screen printing(serigrafi vandrutchebane decal papir) and offset printing,it requires high smoothness and stiffness of base paper. When operating,it needs high stiffness in case of enfoldment.And the smoothness influences other features of water transfer decal paper.

4.The dimensional stability of base paper
It will carry on chromatic printing when print patterns using water transfer decal paper.If poor dimensional stability,it will lead to misregister. So it has a great impact on the quality of water transfer decal paper.

5.The glossiness of base paper
The glossiness influences the appearance of paper.The waterslide transfer decal paper made of coated base paper has better uniformity and smoothness than not coated base paper.

6.The moisture content of base paper
When store up the waterslide decal paper,the moisture content should be about 4%.If the moisture content is not even,the surface of finished paper will not smooth.

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