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Csúszda modell matricák

» Vízátviteli matricák » Csúszda modell matricák

  • Quality Water Slide Plastic Custom Aircraft Model Decals

    Csúszda modell matricák, Vízátviteli matricák

    Product name:aircraft model decals;
    Decals material:water slide transfer decal paper;
    Decals application:plastic,resin,faipari,metal material model;
    Model decals feature:color effect,laser effect,hot gold silver,gradient effect;
    Custom or not:we can custom according to your model decals patterns;
    Model decals sampling time:3~5 days;
    Bulk goods time:5~10 days;

    • Műszaki adatok

    Quality Water Slide Plastic Custom Aircraft Model Decals

    Product name:aircraft model decals;
    Decals material:water slide transfer decal paper;
    Decals application:plastic,resin,faipari,metal material model;
    Model decals feature:color effect,laser effect,hot gold silver,gradient effect;
    Custom or not:we can custom according to your model decals patterns;
    Model decals sampling time:3~5 days;
    Bulk goods time:5~10 days;

    How to apply the aircraft model decals:
    1.Apply gloss clear coat;
    2.Prepare the warm water,so that the model decals are not easily broken;
    3.Cut the model decals and place the decal into water for about10 seconds;
    4.Remove the decal and let it sit out of the water for 30 seconds to 1 minute;
    5.Slide the decal onto the aircraft model surface;
    6.Position the decal using a toothpick or q-tip;
    7.Use a paper towel to remove excess water, and press the towel down to rid as much water as possible;
    8.Apply a drop of decal setter and let this sit until it cures, approximately half an hour to a full hour;
    9.Spray a gloss clear coat to seal and protect the aircraft model decal

    Kérdőív ( a lehető leghamarabb visszahívjuk )


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