Best Water & Sublimation Transfer Paper Manufacturer

Kertas Sublimasi Lengket

» Kertas Sublimasi Lengket

80gsm Kertas Sublimasi Lengket Kain Poliester

Kertas Sublimasi Lengket
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Sticky sublimation paper is new kind product. Perpindahan panas termal adalah proses pencetakan ramah lingkungan. Dan kertas transfer biasa bisa cocok untuk banyak kain. Misalnya, kain atau campuran serat kimia. Proses pencetakan memiliki kecepatan transfer yang tinggi. Selain itu ketahanan luntur warnanya tinggi.

Namun, tidak cocok untuk kain elastis, such as polyester and spandex. In heat-sublimation process, ghosting is very common. It seriously limits the application of dye sub paper on sportswear. Tetapi self adhesive sublimation paper can solve this problem.

The specifications of sticky sublimation paper:

Jenis kertas: self adhesive sublimation paper;
Gram: 80g/squre meter±2%;
Ukuran kertas: 0.21~1.8m width;
tinta yang cocok: sublimation inks;
What printer to apply: inkjet printers;
Heat transfer printing temperature:200-220℃;
Thermal transfer time:30-40 detik;
Aplikasi: poliester & elastic fabrics, for example sportswear;
fitur: anti-curling and anti-ghosting, quick drying speed and good color release;

What is self adhesive sublimation paper?

For polyester fabrics, displacement can easily occur during the transfer process. Then there will be ghosting. But it can add a tacky layer to the sublimation paper. So this will avoid this printing problem.

The sticky sublimation paper consists of several parts, such as the back coating, the base paper and the adhesive coating. During transfer, the paper adheres to the fabrics. Karena itu, the paper does not move.

Tacky paper vs heat transfer:

nyatanya, they are both types of transfer paper. Di samping itu, they use similar inks. But their transfer printing methods are different.

Heat transfer paper has a light adhesive layer. Pertama, print designs using an inkjet printer. When application, the adhesive layer will also be transferred to the fabrics. But the disadvantage is that it is not breathable. It can be suitable not only for chemical fiber fabrics, but also pure cotton.

Sticky sublimation paper is with adhesive layer. The purpose of this coating is not to transfer the pattern. But to avoid paper displacement during application. Ultimately it can avoid ghostin. Thus it can ensure a beautiful pattern. Self adhesive sublimation paper has no gumminess. Compared to heat transfer paper, it is more resistant to scrubbing. But sticky paper cannot be applicable for cotton textiles.

How to use the sticky sublimation paper?

Firstly find the pictures that you want to print. Then edit the patterns.
Berikutnya, use a inkjet printer and tacky sublimation paper to print the pattern;

Thirdly, lay the fabric flat on the heat press machine. After high temperature and high pressure, the patterns are transferred to the garment.

Since it is self adhesive sublimation paper, it will stick to the fabric. After the temperature dropping, tear the paper.

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Sportswear Sticky Sublimation Transfer Paper

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