у керамици, за постизање тродимензионалног образац, светла боја, трајне и нон-уклањање боје, употреба метода за сито штампу на веома аппроприате.Сцреен штампање опрема је релативно једноставна и оперативни технике су лако схватити. На домаћем и иностраном тржишту, ceramic products decorated with screen printing ceramic on glaze decals are gradually replacing ordinary printed paper products.
The process flow of screen printing ceramic on glaze decals:
1.The production of mesh frame.
The frame can be made of wood and aluminum alloy. The wooden mesh frame needs to use high-quality wood to effectively prevent the mesh frame from deforming when the oil is touched. The specification is generally 55×35 cm, and the frame timber size is 4×2.5 cm.
2.The choice of wire mesh~Use 250 mesh nylon mesh.
3.Stretch the mesh. It can use manually stretched (embedded method) or machine stretch net.
4.Plate making—when making plate, remember to draw the “+” character line as the reference for printing.
The screen printing plate can use diazo photosensitive adhesive, the blade of the squeegee blade is at an angle of 45 степени, and the smaller the angle of the squeegee, the thinner the photosensitive liquid remaining on the screen. Apply sensitized adhesive, coat both sides, and apply evenly. The coated screen plate is dried at a suitable temperature, and the dried screen plate can be delivered to the plate.
Shaiban light source can be used 10 to 15~40W row fluorescent lamps, light from 25 to 30 cm, exposure time is 5 to 7 минута. The exposed screen plate was rinsed with warm water and developed. If there is a defect, it is possible to make a supplemental repair. The repaired screen printing plate can be used for the printing process and the screen printing of Пренос вода децалс за керамику.
5.Squeegee printing—It can use right angle urethane scraper,scraper strip exposed part of the handle to 2 ~ 3 cm is appropriate.The printing environment temperature is generally between 20 ~ 25 ℃, relative humidity should be maintained at about 70%.